Frequently Asked Questions

First of all Thank You all for supporting this blog. I apologize for not being able to answer all your queries. Frankly its quite difficult to answer them individually and at times answering almost the same queries to different people. So I thought about creating this pages to address these FAQs so everyone can benefit them. In the comment sections please post your queries (let the page load completely and a comment box will appear) (you can comment anonymously as well), and I will regularly update them on this page. Remember help others to get helped!!

Becoming part of NHS (as a patient)

Working for the NHS is obviously a stressful job and it's likely you will need, at some point, someone to care for you too as a patient. Well worry not because NHS have you covered.

UK Driving License : Getting your Provisional Driver's license

In order for you drive without any restrictions you need to have a UK license and before you get that you need a learner's permit. Which fortunately is pretty easy to get. The requirements for a provisional license as mentioned on is

Getting a cheap automobile insurance (part II)

In the earlier article I mentioned what factors play a role in determining your insurance quote (Read here). In this blog post I am going to give you 5 tips to get yourself a cheaper insurance quote.

Getting a Cheap Automobile Insurance (part I)

If you are planning to drive in UK you can either rent a car (read here) or buy your own car. The thing that dreads most car drivers on International Driving license or Learner license or newly made Full License is the shockingly high auto insurance costs which at times turns out to be way more than the actual cost of the car you plan to buy. But fear not there are still ways to tackle this and in no time you will be able to drive in your own personal car.

How to Rent a car in UK?

Commuting in UK can be quite efficient but can be quite expensive at times. Especially if you have a family you may find yourselves in a mess waiting on bus stands, traveling in buses and eventually getting fed up of long commute times. At some point you will need to get your own personal car and be at peace of mind. If you have

How to get your UK National Insurance Number

National Insurance (NI) is a tax system in the United Kingdom paid by workers and employers for funding state benefits. According to GOV.UK
You pay National Insurance if you’re 16 or over and either: